Xhensila Misho

Xhensila Misho


Xhensila Misho, graduated from the University of Tirana, Department of Dentistry in 2012, licensed in 05/2013.
Trainings completed:
09/2020 Intensive professional training course for direct and indirect veneers
2020-2021 One-year Mini Master course Basic and advanced orthodontics for functional and fixed therapy.
21/10/2023 Intensive training for the use of Botulinum Toxin on the face, neck, body.
2-3/12/2023 Intensive advanced training for the use of Hyaluronic Acid & Fillers on the face.
05/2024 Postgraduate training University Expert in Prosthetics Pgo Ucam

+355 68 29 69 309

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Rruga Irfan Tomini

Tirane, TR 1001