Prosthodontics, a branch of dentistry, focuses on the design, manufacture, and application of prosthetic teeth and other devices to restore oral health and functionality. These teeth and prosthetic devices play a vital role in enabling individuals to chew, speak, and smile with confidence. The process of creating prosthetic teeth involves precise measurements and details of
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Your body is a complex machine. The foods you choose and how often you eat them can affect your overall health and the health of your teeth and gums. Avoid sugar. If you consume too many sugar-filled foods and drinks, you could be at risk for tooth decay. Tooth decay occurs when sugar interacts with
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Every April, we observe Oral Cancer Awareness Month – a global initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of oral cancer and encouraging its early detection. The campaign seeks to educate people on various aspects of oral cancer such as risk factors, symptoms, treatment options and prevention strategies. It also encourages regular dental check-ups,
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You know you should visit your dentist regularly. But getting that appointment on your calendar can be difficult, and not just because of your busy schedule. Whether it’s the sterile smell, the buzzing and drilling sounds in the background, or the thought of someone being up close and personal with your mouth, going to the
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Drinking coffee, smoking, and red wine can all contribute to tooth stains. Here’s how to remove and prevent them! A bright, radiant smile can make a striking impression. However, over time, tooth stains can make your teeth appear darker, potentially affecting your confidence. It’s more common for teeth to become stained as you age, but
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Bad breath, known clinically as halitosis, is common. It can result from eating certain foods, such as onions or garlic. In many cases, brushing your teeth, rinsing your mouth, or sucking on a mint can help combat bad breath. But this won’t fix chronic, persistent halitosis—bad breath that doesn’t go away and is a sign
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi gravida fringilla neque sit amet sollicitudin. Duis aliquam dictum feugiat. Quisque elit tortor, ullamcorper quis ultrices vitae, mattis non est. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut ac suscipit lorem. Suspendisse rhoncus tellus ac neque gravida, in tristique urna placerat. Morbi in purus rutrum, hendrerit tellus pulvinar, interdum nisl.
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