Xhensila Misho, graduated from the University of Tirana, Department of Dentistry in 2012, licensed in 05/2013.
Trainings completed:
09/2020 Intensive professional training course for direct and indirect veneers
2020-2021 One-year Mini Master course Basic and advanced orthodontics for functional and fixed therapy.
21/10/2023 Intensive training for the use of Botulinum Toxin on the face, neck, body.
2-3/12/2023 Intensive advanced training for the use of Hyaluronic Acid & Fillers on the face.
05/2024 Postgraduate training University Expert in Prosthetics Pgo Ucam
Studies at the Faculty of Dentistry 2009-2014 as a dentist. Licensed in 2015. He currently conducts the implant-prosthesis course.
Eglantina Shabanaj ka mbaruar studimet për stomatologji gjatë periudhës 1997-2002. Në vitin 2004 hapi klinikën e saj EglaDent. Ka kryer dhjetëra trajnime në fushën e ortododoncisë, dentistrisë klinike dhe në ortopedi stomatologjike.
Shkollimi i larte në degën Stomatologji në vitet 2012-2017.
Diplomuar ne 2017 me titullin Stomatologe e pergjithshme.
Ka kryer dhe Trajnim në fushën estike për përdorimin e filler dhe botox.
-Master of science in dentistry (July 2015, Tirana, Albania)
-Diploma in Office Administration- Health Services ( with Honours, May 2021, Ontario, Canada)
-Certificate of Foundation Botox and Dermal Filler Course (June 2024, Ontario, Canada)
-Certificate of Advanced Regenerative Techniques for Biostimulation in Aesthetic Medicine (October 2024, Albania)